Monday 29 June 2009

Billy's space's Blog - Windows Live

In recognition that some people blog using other domains, those who do so with Windows Live can keep up to date with the following blog site.

Billy's space's Blog - Windows Live

You can now support wrongly accused people by purchasing your goods online through the following amazon link. Wrongly Accused Person receives commission from each product sold which is used to provide the support and assistance these people and their families so badly need. Shopping online in this way effectively means that you sponsor the site's objectives without spending a penny more than what you will purchasing an item you need anyway.

Sunday 28 June 2009

Wrongly Accused Person - Advice - General Advice

Wrongly Accused Person - Advice - General Advice

A new search facility helping the wrongly accused/convicted and their families find the support and advice they need without wading through pages of nonsense.

Saturday 27 June 2009

Providing official websites for the wrongly accused.

Wrongly accused person has started hosting official websites for the wrongly accused. These websites will be provided only at the accused persons request and must meet strict site criteria before being included. We will assess the case of each application and approve only those who we feel have an particularly compelling case of innocence.

All messages of support will be sent directly to the accused person, and we will publish responses on their behalf. This ensures that the content is available with their approval at all times.

Wrongly Accused's Official Websites

Friday 26 June 2009

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Holding Ministers of Parliament to Account

Holding Ministers of Parliament to Account

This is's petition which aims to ensure that MP's are held accountable for breaches in their code of conduct. Specific details are available on the petition page.

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Sandra Lean Joins Billy Middleton as Partner of Wrongly Accused People site.

Sandra Lean Joins Billy Middleton as Partner of Wrongly Accused People site.

Sandra's extensive knowledge has been gathered over several years resulting in the book "No Smoke, The Shocking Truth About The British Justice System" which can be found on the site. Us being in partnership on the site will be a huge benefit to those who need it and with the plans we have discussed make our mutual aim more achievable.

The Role Of A Family Liaison Officer

The Role Of A Family Liaison Officer is another article which has been published on the website. People who are unfortunate enough to come in contact with them don't fully understand what role they actually play.