Friday 17 July 2009

A Push on Highlighting the Child Witness Petition

For those wishing to include the banner on their site or blog which I actively encourage, here's the code :-

id="name" width="468" height="60">

quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="468" height="60"

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Since the formation of Wrongly Accused Person organisation it is fair to say that this well known quote has taken on a much more significant meaning for me.

There are times in everyone's life where they are likely to exclaim that they will never be shocked or surprised by anything again. However even after the most horrific ordeals new and equally bewildering stories continue to emerge leaving only one conclusion. Injustice exists in every corner of society and is perpetuated by each and everyone in it, the very moment you speculate on a rumour you have heard and express it you become part of the problem.

In conclusion it is clear that it is only when we as people recognise the enormity of the problem and choose not to accept it there can never be a solution. No source of injustice would be effective if we as a society did not turn a blind eye to it's existence and allow it to continue.

Twitter / Home

Our twitter account, come and follow us.

Twitter / Home

Saturday 11 July 2009

Simon’s Flyer A

Simon’s Flyer A

A flyer in support of Simon Hall's innocence. Please print and send it to the Ministry Of Justice.

Wrongly Accused Person - Stress Relief Products

Wrongly Accused Person - Stress Relief Products: "Stress Relief Products
Suggested to or by Wrongly Accused Person"

Friday 10 July 2009

Wrongly Accused Person - Relaxation Products

Wrongly Accused Person - Relaxation Products

A line of products to help the wrongly accused and their families relax when tensions are running high.

Monday 29 June 2009

Billy's space's Blog - Windows Live

In recognition that some people blog using other domains, those who do so with Windows Live can keep up to date with the following blog site.

Billy's space's Blog - Windows Live

You can now support wrongly accused people by purchasing your goods online through the following amazon link. Wrongly Accused Person receives commission from each product sold which is used to provide the support and assistance these people and their families so badly need. Shopping online in this way effectively means that you sponsor the site's objectives without spending a penny more than what you will purchasing an item you need anyway.

Sunday 28 June 2009

Wrongly Accused Person - Advice - General Advice

Wrongly Accused Person - Advice - General Advice

A new search facility helping the wrongly accused/convicted and their families find the support and advice they need without wading through pages of nonsense.

Saturday 27 June 2009

Providing official websites for the wrongly accused.

Wrongly accused person has started hosting official websites for the wrongly accused. These websites will be provided only at the accused persons request and must meet strict site criteria before being included. We will assess the case of each application and approve only those who we feel have an particularly compelling case of innocence.

All messages of support will be sent directly to the accused person, and we will publish responses on their behalf. This ensures that the content is available with their approval at all times.

Wrongly Accused's Official Websites

Friday 26 June 2009

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Holding Ministers of Parliament to Account

Holding Ministers of Parliament to Account

This is's petition which aims to ensure that MP's are held accountable for breaches in their code of conduct. Specific details are available on the petition page.

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Sandra Lean Joins Billy Middleton as Partner of Wrongly Accused People site.

Sandra Lean Joins Billy Middleton as Partner of Wrongly Accused People site.

Sandra's extensive knowledge has been gathered over several years resulting in the book "No Smoke, The Shocking Truth About The British Justice System" which can be found on the site. Us being in partnership on the site will be a huge benefit to those who need it and with the plans we have discussed make our mutual aim more achievable.

The Role Of A Family Liaison Officer

The Role Of A Family Liaison Officer is another article which has been published on the website. People who are unfortunate enough to come in contact with them don't fully understand what role they actually play.

Friday 29 May 2009

Disclosure of evidence and denial of it in terms of the Human Rights Convention.

Disclosure of evidence and denial of it in terms of the Human Rights Convention. is another article published on the main site, highlighting yet another area where procedures are either not followed or the code of conduct is bent to breaking point causing many miscarriages of justice. As with most of the reasons people are wrongly accused/convicted these failures to observe protocol could also result in guilty people being acquitted on the grounds that their verdicts can no longer be considered safe.

Safeguard Child Witnesses

Safeguard Child Witnesses is a petition I have set up to seek enforcement of the guidelines which are intended to keep our children's well being preserved during all interviews. Changes should include the video recording of all phases of their interviews and enforceable penalties on individuals/agencies which fail to comply.

Thursday 21 May 2009

An account of prison life in Craiginches

Through my work on the main wrongly accused person website, I frequently post articles related to matters of law or circumstances which can affect those unfortunate enough to be wrongly accused.
One of the things that affects such a person is the conditions of prison if they are remanded in custody until their trial.
This article can be found either on the site at or on the ezine publisher site via
You are free to publish this article on your own site if you wish providing it is sourced from the ezine-article site using the code provided.

Saturday 16 May 2009

The need to address the issue of stress and anxiety caused by being wrongly accused or being a family member of someone who is features strongly in the main site's forum. Music has been cited as a popular way of unwinding along with reading.
Many people find that soothing music or an interesting article/book helps to reduce their stress levels and more able to cope with what they are having to face daily. For that reason I have today added a Radio Relax page on the site with scrolling text features for those who prefer to read. The playlist is chosen from available streaming sources and will keep expanding anytime I think of an appropriate track to add, if you would like to suggest a track you can do so through the site's contact page or in the relevant thread on the forum. I will be only too pleased to add it if I consider it appropriate and the necessary streaming source exists.

New related articles

My main site now contains many new related articles published either by myself or Sandra Lean who is becoming more involved with the site (More to come on that in a few weeks).
There are also some written by other authors on related matters and links to relevant news articles, including the recently added page which highlights aspects of police behaviour and conduct which are wholly unacceptable. Can any justice system be fair while those individuals are at the helm?
There is a growing body of evidence to instances of injustice, and a growing list of reasons why it occurs. Please feel free to visit the site and see for yourselves, but don't forget to vote on child witness interviews.

Sunday 10 May 2009

Guidelines on child interviews.

With clear and concise guidelines on how child witnesses are interviewed it may come as something of an alarm for those with no experience to learn that these are seldom followed.
Often with no suitable adult and with little regard to a minors routine, the most precious of us all, our children are often subjected to an ordeal which is in no way in their best interests with the guidelines flaunted providing no protection to their well being.
It is highly recommended that a planning phase is carried out before any vulnerable witness provides a statement to ensure just that but more often than not they are dragged in before even having a chance to come to terms with whatever they are being quizzed about.
Not eaten? - no matter they'll be back soon (5 or six hours later having missed 2 meals and their usual bedtime).
Suitable adult? - Could you wait outside please while I ask some inappropriate questions in private?
Is that everything you can tell us? - Don't worry, its not taped or video recorded and we'll get you back in again and again until we get the answers that fit our enquiry!
Is this really how we want our children treated? No didn't think you would agree with it, but it's what happens time and time again.
Please come and vote 'YES' to a petition to ensure that guidelines become manditory to protect our children from those who are supposed to ensure their safety.


Saturday 9 May 2009

Welcome to the Wrongly Accused Person blog page

Following a tragic incident detailed more fully on the Wrongly Accused Person website, I was arrested and charged with an horrendous crime I couldn't have committed and remanded for almost 6 months in HMP Aberdeen.
During that time I became aware of what really happens in our justice system and how easy it is to convict someone for something they have never done and could never do. I was lucky and had a good legal team who secured my acquittal following what can only be described as a ridiculous attempt at prosecution. Even defence witnesses corroborated everything I had persistently said from day one, ultimately showing the case against me for what it was. However the damage done to so many innocent people in the process is something we will never be able to fully recover from on top of the tragic loss we suffered prior to it.
After my acquittal I quickly decided that the justifiable anger and bitterness I felt was in no ways going to help, neither me nor anyone else so decided to channel my emotions towards making a difference to others affected by the same routine actions. Actions which happen day in, day out across the whole of the UK creating more victims than it protects.
Now that I've started I find more and more shocking stories everyday, more victims and more families torn apart by those we entrust to keep us safe. Patterns of the system emerge at every wrongful arrest or imprisonment which in my opinion proves that these regular occurrences can be nothing other than deliberate though I am undecided as to the motive. Is it to secure and meet conviction rates, to exceed targets on crime and prosecution or simply to further the careers of those responsible who often are acting in positions above that of which they normally hold? In any event the tally sheets of many require serious recalculation and any found lacking in integrity exposed to allow the public to have an informed view on whether or not we have a justice system to be proud of.
I have however through my work on the site been introduced to Sandra Lean, the author of "No Smoke, The Shocking Truth About The British Justice System.", who after years of experience in this area can recite the process I went through without being told a thing. Her book is available via the site, and I am glad to say it seems we will be working closely together to make the difference needed for everyone's security in the future.
The time is right for change, for improvement and for proper justice to prevail over that which currently exists.


Billy Middleton